IUI – Intrauterine Insemination


IUI – Intrauterine Insemination is performed around the time of ovulation. Sperm are isolated from the semen of the male partner (or a donor). These processed sperm are injected through the cervix and directly into the uterine cavity. This facilitates access of the sperm to the oocytes in the Fallopian tube.

This procedure, which is quite similar to natural insemination, involves insemination either during a natural cycle or during ovarian stimulation with fertility medications.


  • Cervical factor;
  • Vaginismus;
  • Ovulation problems;
  • Minor deviations in semen analysis
  • Necessity to use donor sperm when azoospermia or a genetic disorder is detected in the partner, or when the woman has no partner.


  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes;
  • High day 3 FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels in young women;
  • Rapidly declining ovarian reserve;
  • Defects of the uterine cavity;
  • Severe deviations in sperm parameters.

Before performing an insemination procedure, the doctor must make sure that the fallopian tubes are not blocked, so that processed sperm can have access to the oocytes.

Intrauterine insemination pregnancy rates vary and depend on the infertility cause, the woman’s age; also, whether ovarian stimulation has been performed.

The procedure itself is painless. At first, ovarian stimulation is performed, and its monitoring uses ultrasound and hormone diagnostics. Once a follicle reaches a certain size (18-20 mm), the doctor sets a date for insemination.

Partner or donor sperm is processed using aseptic techniques and injected into the uterus through a special catheter. Fourteen days later, the woman’s blood is tested for pregnancy.

When intrauterine insemination has failed repeatedly following several attempts, we may recommend treatment using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

To plan consultations with ReproART Fertility Specialist, please set an appointment in advance or request more information.


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